Reiki - stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

What is Reiki?

The practice of Reiki that is used today was established in 1922 but has been used for thousands of years. When broken down, the Japanese term translates as Rei meaning ‘spiritually guided’ and Ki meaning ‘life force energy’. It is a practice that is used for stress reduction and relaxation while promoting healing. The Holy Fire practice of Reiki was introduced a few years ago and it is both powerful and gentle, providing purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.


Reiki has been described as pure or unconditional love, the highest vibrational energy. It is free of ego or human emotions. At times, the energies within our bodies become blocked which can create dis-ease resulting in conditions such as depression, pain or other ailments. A Reiki practitioner is able to consciously harness an infinite abundance of energy and channel it into their client in such a way that both the facilitator and client receive healing. Using light touch, a practitioner is able to help break up the stagnant energy within the client resulting in a balanced flow of energy. Reiki can only be used for good so at the very least, the client will feel calm and relaxed.

How do crystals enhance a Reiki session?

Reiki alone is very powerful however some people benefit greatly from the use of crystals, sound therapy, aromatherapy and other healing modalities. Crystals are great tools because they carry their own energetic vibration. Depending on the needs of the client, crystals can be programmed to help aid the client in their desired outcomes.

Difference between In-person and Distant Reiki

Essentially, the client will receive the same form of treatment in person as they are in their home. The preference depends on the individual as there are significant benefits for both. In-person is obviously more intimate and can create a deeper connection between the individuals. Multiple forms of therapy can be used in addition to Reiki, enriching their experience. Distant Reiki is done while the client is in the comfort of their own space. At times this has been known to lead to deeper healing. Typically, the practitioner focuses on specific points on the body, so a teddy bear will be used as a surrogate during a distance session. 


Chakras are various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism.

The Chakra System

The word Chakra comes from an ancient Indian language known as Sanskrit. Chakra refers to major centers of spiritual power in the human body and is understood as a vortex, spinning wheel or circles of energy which balance, store and distribute the energies of life through our physical body and along the subtle body. The subtle body is the non-physical body otherwise known as our soul, spirit or aura which overlays our physical body. There are many Chakras or energy centers contained throughout our physical and etheric bodies that need to be in balance for ideal physical, mental and emotional well-being. By understanding the purpose and colours of each chakra, we can use the knowledge to assist the body in healing. As you receive messages through your body in the form of ailments, injuries or other symptoms, we can interpret the messages and address symptoms concerning spiritual, emotional and physical well-being.


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